Environmental Policy

KDS Direct is committed to environmental preservation and to reducing its impact on the environment.

Under the KYOCERA Environmental Charter it eagerly commits to environmental preservation activities on a daily basis. KDS Direct aims to provide leading edge products and services while taking active measures to prevent global warming, reduce waste, promote energy efficiency and conserve resources.

The long-life components KYOCERA Document Solutions develops for its MFP’s and printers result in minimal environmental waste because they rarely require replacement. KYOCERA products are in line with the strictest environmental standards worldwide and actively pursue the achievement of these. Lead free solder on circuit boards, product design to minimize resource consumption and environment friendly packaging demonstrate just some of the ways KYOCERA is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its products.

Shortly after the introduction of the ISO14000 standards for environmental management, KYOCERA Document Solutions made a corporate effort to demonstrate its environmental commitment by registering for the ISO14001 standard. All KYOCERA Document Solutions production plants have achieved ISO14001 certification.

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